Hi, I am Maggie (Yingzi) Cui, a graphic designer turned UI/UX designer based in Washington, DC. I get excited about making simple, compelling, and human-centered designs for complex problems. 
After gaining my UX design certificate from DesignLab UX academy, I started to work in a healthcare enterprise company called FEI systems where I have contributed to building complex and interactive prototypes in Axure. From my UI/UX design practices, I strived to apply empathy to understand the user’s frustration, needs, and goals. On top of that, my graphic design background has enhanced my design prototypes to be innovative and pixel-perfect. My past experiences taught me how to use design thinking to find a solution that balances both business and user needs well. I constantly seek opportunities to utilize my passion and experiences to make the world better.
When I am not working, you will find me painting, doing yoga,
and traveling, which helps me to find inspiration and practice creative thinking.​​​​​​​
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